Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Who'll Stop the Rain?

I like naming my blog posts after songs. It's very Grey's Anatomy-esque. Honestly, it quit raining a few minutes ago. However, I was sitting in biology, bored out of my mind when I came up with the title, and I don't want it to go to waste. So yeah, about rain. It's been mind-numbingly cold and rainy for the last 2 days. And not the normal rain. We've had the kind of rain that fluctuates between steady rain and misty drizzle. The kind of rain that makes you wonder if a different sort of precipitation will follow. 'Cause if it has to be this cold, I want to see some snow, dang it! In addition to our craptastic weather, every remaining leaf on campus has decided to part ways with its tree. A thousand little leaf bodies on the sidewalk. Enough to make one feel like they're committing leaficide.

And now for a public service announcement: Becca, leave me some comments! Please?

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